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Государственное коммунальное казенное предприятие "Агротехнический колледж поселок Аршалы" при управлении образования Акмолинской области

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intellectual show “The smart boys and girls”


The participants

were the first year students of 3 groups. The competition On the 4th

of April the teacher A.N. Ovcharova held an intellectual show “The smart boys

and girls” at our college.consisted of 3 rounds. 48 pupils participated in the

1st round. There were 30 questions with one word answer. Each right

answer was awarded with the order by juries. At the end of the round juries

identified 3 main participants. They were Yan Pavlov (01 A- CS), Oksana

Baibulatova (01 B- CS) and I. Safronov( 01- W-16). In the 2nd round

the students had to choose one of the tracks: red, yellow and green. While

reading the task they had to say the right answer as quick as they could. Then

the participants received the task and had to prepare the answer. The 3rd

round was the main rounds. After the 3rd round the winner was

chosen. This show was attended by the masters and teachers of college


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